Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement 2022
Sound Box Store fully embraces the aims and ideals of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and has embarked on the journey to analyse and implement its intentions throughout our own business and extended supply chain. We remain fully committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business, and will continue to fight against Modern Day Slavery throughout the UK.
Our Employees We have communicated our Modern Day Slavery Policy to all our workforce, providing them with information on how to identify and report potential slavery within the workplace. In addition, we have equipped all our employees with information on how to identify signs of slavery in everyday life, along with details on how to report this outside of our organisation.
Contractors & Supply Chain We apply reasonable due diligence to risk assess our supply chain and use the following mechanisms to do this, and will continue to do the following:
- We will complete a Pareto Analysis of Supplier spend to cross-reference areas of risk.
- From this analysis, we will highlight the number of suppliers that may pose a higher risk of modern slavery occurring in their supply chains.
- Those higher-risk suppliers will be communicated with to determine what actions they are taking to eliminate this risk.
- Ensure all new contracts have an explicit Modern Slavery Policy adherence statement included as per the terms and conditions.
Our Policy We have undertaken a review of our Modern Day Slavery Policy, and are satisfied that it meets our requirements, and that no amendments are required at this time.
Conclusion Slavery and Human Trafficking are serious crimes, and SoundBox Store is pleased to submit this statement outlining our commitment to the Aims of the MSA.
Jason Graham
Chief Executive Officer April 10, 2022