Mediatillgångar för återförsäljare.

Nedan finns länkar till alla högupplösta bilder och videor, dessa får inte delas med andra parter utan föregående överenskommelse med Soundbox Store. Alla bilder är tillgängliga för att underlätta digital och tryckt marknadsföring.

Folio Office Phone Booth by Soundbox Store – soundproof office pod with noise insulation, ergonomic seating, and LED lighting
Pebble Grey Folio Office Phone Booth by Soundbox Store – modern acoustic office pod with noise reduction for focus

Folio telefonbås

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Solo Pod / Telefonbås

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White Quell 2-Person Office Phone Booth by Soundbox Store – soundproof workspace with ergonomic design for private calls
Black Quell 2-Person Office Phone Booth by Soundbox Store – soundproof office pod for meetings and focused work

Kontorspodd, 1 - 2 personer

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Creative Pod 3 - 4 Pers acoustic sound pod Sound Booth Store
Creative Pod 3 - 4 Pers acoustic sound pod Sound Booth Store

Mötespod 3 - 4 personer

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Meeting Booth Quell - 6 Person by Soundbox Store – soundproof office pod with glass doors, ventilation, and modular design
Meeting Booth Quell - 6 Person by Soundbox Store – office meeting booth with soundproof panels, glass doors, and ergonomic seating

Mötesbås 4 - 6 personer

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