Privacy Film

Privacy Film

Privacy Film For Soundbox Phone Pods / Meeting Booths

Unlock Extra Functionality with Soundbox Privacy Film.

Soundbox Store introduces Privacy Film designed exclusively for Soundbox Phone Pods and Meeting Booths. This innovative addition includes two key fobs/cards for easy access, or you can conveniently unlock it via a
downloadable app. Our Privacy Film is not only about security; it also enhances the quality and functionality of your open-plan reception areas, atriums,
libraries, or co-working office spaces.

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Enhancing Acoustic Control in Working Environments

Creating spaces with optimal acoustic control can significantly impact motivation, well-being, mindfulness, productivity, and focus in the workplace.

According to David M. Sykes, PhD, in his 2004 study on “Productivity: How Acoustics Affect Workers’ Performance in Open Areas,” the benefits of acoustic control are clear:

Increase Work Motivation: Boost work motivation by more than 62%.

Enhance Focus: Improve the ability to focus on tasks by more than 44%.

Maximise Task Performance: Achieve up to 52% increase in activities that require full concentration.

Minimise Session Interference: Reduce session interference by more than 55%.

Reduce Pressure: Decrease pressure levels by 29%.

Reduce Errors: Decrease the error rate by 18%.

You're in good company.

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Soundbox The University of British Columbia
Movable Silence Booths for Diverse Environments Movable Silence Booths for Diverse Environments

Movable Silence Booths for Diverse Environments

At Soundbox, we understand the importance of providing a private, productive, and comfortable space that fosters creativity. Our range of movable Silence Booths come in various sizes, making them suitable for a wide range of environments, including
offices, hospitality settings, medical facilities, and music studios.